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Straight Lady: The Life and Times of Margaret Dumont, “The Fifth Marx Brother”

Harpo wrestled with her. Groucho threw her for a ten-yard loss. Chico rode across a film set on the model train to run her down while she was waiting to say her lines. And, when they couldn’t think of anything else to do, they all climbed on her lap and mauled her.
For several years, the Marx maniacs gave Margaret Dumont a big hand — as well as an occasional foot — in the interest of good, clean fun. It was a rough life, but Dumont loved it because it was never monotonous. If you’ve ever watched the four brothers cavort, that last crack goes without saying.
Groucho called her “Tootsie.” Harpo cut it to “Toots.” But Chico and Zeppo got along with just plain “Maggie,” all much to the stately Miss Dumont’s amusement.
Margaret exchanged great dialogue with Groucho Marx like this from Duck Soup:
RUFUS T. FIREFLY (Groucho Marx): Not that I care, but where is your husband?
MRS. TEASDALE: Why, he’s dead.
RUFUS T. FIREFLY: I bet he’s just using that as an excuse.
MRS. TEASDALE: I was with him to the very end.
RUFUS T. FIREFLY: No wonder he passed away.
MRS. TEASDALE: I held him in my arms and kissed him.
RUFUS T. FIREFLY: Oh, I see, then it was murder. Will you marry me? Did he leave you any money? Answer the second question first.
MRS. TEASDALE: He left me his entire fortune.
RUFUS T. FIREFLY: Is that so? Can’t you see what I’m trying to tell you? I love you.

Straight Lady 2
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