The Posse After James Kenedy

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Dora Hand was in a deep sleep. Her bare legs were draped across the thick blankets covering her delicate form and a mass of long, auburn hair stretched over the pillow under her head and dangled off the top of a flimsy mattress. Her breathing was slow and effortless. A framed, graphite charcoal portrait of an elderly couple hung above the bed on faded, satin-ribbon wallpaper and kept company with her slumber. The air outside the window was still and cold. The distant sound of voices, backslapping laughter, profanity, and a piano’s tinny, repetitious melody wafted down Dodge City’s main thoroughfare and snuck into the small room where Dora was sleeping.

Dodge was an all-night town. Walkers and loungers kept the streets and saloons busy. Residents learned to sleep through the giggling, growling, and gunplay of the cowboy consumers and their paramours for hire. Dora was accustomed to the nightly frivolity and clatter. Her dreams were seldom disturbed by the commotion. All at once the hard thud of a pair of bullets charging through the door and wall of the tiny room cut through the routine noises of the cattle town with uneven, gusty violence.

The first bullet was halted by the dense plaster partition leading into the bed chambers. The second struck Dora on the right side under her arm. There was no time for her to object to the injury, no moment for her to cry out or recoil in pain. The slug killed her instantly. In the near distance a horse squealed and its galloping hooves echoed off the dusty street and faded away. A pool of blood poured out of Dora’s fatal wound, turning the white sheets she rested on to crimson. A clock sitting on a nightstand next to the lifeless body ticked on steadily and mercilessly.

It was 4:30 in the morning on October 4, 1878, and for the moment nothing but the persistent moonlight filtering into the scene through a closed window marked the thirty-four-year-old woman’s passing. Twenty-four hours prior to Dora’s being gunned down in her sleep, she had been on stage at the Alhambra Saloon and Gambling House. She was a stunning woman whose wholesome voice and exquisite features had charmed audiences from Abilene to Austin. She regaled love-starved wranglers and rough riders at stage and railroad stops with her heartfelt rendition of the popular ballads “Blessed Be the Ties That Bind” and “Because I Love You So.”


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To learn about who killed Dora Hand and the posse that tracked the murderer read

The Principles of Posse Management: Lessons From the Old West for Today’s Leaders

The Posse After the Reno Gang

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Principles of Posse Management:

Lessons from the Old West for Today’s Leaders.



Newspaper readers from Hartford, Connecticut, to Portland, Oregon, were shocked to read about the bold and daring robbery of the Ohio and Mississippi Railroad on October 6, 1866.  It was the first robbery of its kind.  Banks and stage lines had been robbed before, but no one had perpetrated such a crime on a railroad.  According to the October 20, 1866, edition of the Altoona Tribune, three masked bandits entered the car stopped at a station near Seymour, Indiana, with the idea of taking money from the Adams Express safe.  They entered the car from the front platform, leveled their revolvers at the head of the guard on duty, and demanded he hand over the keys to the safe.  He did so with no argument.

While one of the bandits stood guard, the others opened and removed the contents of one of the three safes which included more than $20,000 in cash.  When the job was done, the desperadoes moved one of the safes to the door of the car, opened it, and tossed the box out.  The heavy safe hit the ground hard, rolled, and came to a stop.  One of the masked men pulled on the bell cord, and, as the engineer replied with the signal to apply the brakes, the robbers jumped out the train and made their escape.

The engineer saw the bandits leap off the train and speculated they were headed in the direction of Seymour.  The train slowed to a stop and one of the agents for the Adams Express Company who was on the train hopped off and ran back to the station with the news of the robbery.  He commandeered a handcar and recruited a few men to help him collect any evidence left behind by the thieves.  On the agent’s way back to the train, he found the safe tossed from the car.  The $15,000 inside had not been touched.

The Adams Express Company offered a $5,000 reward for the arrest and conviction of the robbers.  A witness aboard the train the evening it was robbed told authorities he recognized the desperadoes who stole the money as the Reno brothers, John and Simeon, and one of their friends, Frank Sparks.  Citizens and detectives alike began a vigorous search, but the brothers proved impossible to locate.

Unbeknownst to the Reno boys and the gang of outlaws with whom they associated, the Pinkerton Detective Agency had been hired to protect all Adams and Express Company shipments.  Armed with the descriptions provided by the witness, Allan Pinkerton, head of the investigation firm, set out to find the culprits.  Pinkerton traced the Renos to Seymour, a lawless community where rustlers, bandits, and cutthroats from all over the area gathered.


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Principles of Posse Management: Lessons from the Old West for Today’s Leaders


The Posse After Tom Bell

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Tom Brown was nearly where Buck’s Creek poured out into the open plains when he came upon the posse.  The sturdy and tenacious group of lawmen had been waiting for days for one of the members of the Bell gang to ride through the Northern California range.  A couple of placer miners working a claim on the American River told Sacramento County detective Robert Harrison that Bell’s men rode through the area between holdups.  Tom Brown, alias Sam Woodruff, didn’t fight the unfortunate situation he found himself.  Without saying a word he stepped off his horse and surrendered his six-shooters.  Detective Harrison was happy to relieve the bandit of his weapons.

Tom Bell, also known as the “gentlemen highway man”, was second only in notoriety to the cruel and bloodthirsty Joaquin Murrieta.  His true name was Thomas J. Hodges, a native of Rome, Tennessee, where he was born in 1826.  His parents were respected people and made sure he had a thorough education.  He graduated from a medical institution, and shortly after receiving his diploma, joined a military regiment and proceeded to the seat of war in Mexico, where he served honorably as a non-commissioned officer until the close of the struggle.

Like thousands of others he was attracted to California by its golden allurements and began life as a miner.  The hard work and privations of a miner’s life, coupled with a lack of success, caused him to follow in the footsteps of many, whose loose moral ideas led them into gambling as a means of making ends meet.  Soon tiring of this, he took to the road, where he continued his games of chance, simply staking his revolver against whatever loose coin his victims had about them.

He was convicted of grand larceny in 1855 and sentenced to five years in the state prison at Angel Island.

In May 1855, he made his escape with half a dozen other prisoners, among whom were Bill Gristy, alias Bill White, James Webster, Ned Conners, and Jim Smith.  These four remained together and formed the nucleus of the celebrated and notorious “Tom Bell gang,” that for nearly two years kept the state in a fever of excitement.

Management Principle Learned from the Posse After Tom Bell

Walk in Someone Else’s Shoes

Various members of the posse disguised themselves as outlaws and saloon patrons in order to collect the information needed to apprehend the criminals. Instead of figuratively walking in someone else’s shoes, posse members made it experiential. By doing this they were in a better position to propose solutions to potential problems and learned how to best achieve their objective.


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To learn more about Tom Bell and the posse who tracked him and his gang read

Principles of Posse Management: Lessons from the Old West for Today’s Leader

Lessons from the Old West for Today’s Leaders

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Principles of Posse Management: Lessons From the Old West for Today’s Leaders



“Chris Enss’s engaging book, The Principles of Posse Management, takes you back in time to the Old West, where with incredible detail and fun anecdotes, she reveals many universal leadership tools that were surprisingly effective in keeping order at such a lawless time. Subsequently, many of these same tools are needed today within our own corporate climate. Read this fascinating book and reconnect to these powerful principles from the past.” – Sean Convey, executive vice president, Global Solutions and Partnerships, FranklinCovey

“Posses were created very strategically to catch the outlaws that sure had a ‘never give up’ way of life. I was fascinated by the stories and bravery that built our Western lifestyle.” – Lisa Bollin, CEO and director of design, Cowgirl Tuff Company


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The Notorious Lola Montez

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Entertaining Women: Actresses, Dancers, and Singers in the Old West


Lola Montez


More than a hundred-sixty years ago citizens in New York were discussing with avid interest the approaching theatrical engagement in the city of a woman with a romantic Spanish name – and a titled one, no less – who had caused one monarch to lose his throne and had left a trail of affairs in her wake after a hectic zig-zag career of adventure and amour which had taken her pretty much all over the map of Europe.

This woman, who had been described as the most beautiful woman in Europe, whose comeliness, flashing, black eyes, crimson lips, intelligence and ready wit, few men had been known to resist, was now in the United States and was slated to appear in New York before traveling to California.  Small wonder, then, that honest housewives shook their heads when their husbands and sons displayed too much interest in “that adventuress” and suggested that they had better stay at home that evening.

Nevertheless, a well-filled house greeted the celebrity from overseas. Enough New Yorkers passed their cash into the box office till to make her engagement well worthwhile.

Lola Montez was the attraction. The Countess of Landsfeld, as Lola was also known, may not have been the best dancer in the world in fact, one New York newspaperman reported that, in his opinion she was quite the worst, but the former uncrowned queen of Bavaria could hardly have been accused of being dull.

The audience had come to taste optically an exotic dish and Lola added a liberal dash of paprika.  She included in her Iberian repertoire the “spider dance” a creation of her own, based on the most exotic of foreign sources, but watered down a bit for American consumption.

The “spider dance” was simple and titillating. Lola started the dance routine from the wings of the stage. She would twirl her way in front of the audience dressed in a pair of multicolored tights and a skirt cut just above her knee. After another few twirls she would end up under a canopy of corks hanging from the ceiling that had been painted black. The corks represented spiders falling from the sky. As the music reached fever pitch, she would spin around and around until she was tangled in the corks. Lola would spend the remainder of the dance twirling around trying to free herself from the corks.



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The Self-Made Star

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The angry hawk clenched its talons on the heavy leather gauntlet, stabbing the delicate wrist beneath.  Wings batting, the half-wild bird glared fiercely into the large, gray eyes of his captor.  Mary Anderson stared back with steely determination.  This unruly bird would be tamed, she resolved, and would become a living prop for her performance of the Countess in Sheridan Knowles’ comedy, Love.  A stuffed bird would not provide the realism she intended, and what Mary Anderson intended usually came to be.

“There is a fine hawking scene in one of the acts,” Mary wrote in her memoirs, “which would have been spoiled by a stuffed falcon, however beautifully hooded and gyved he might have been; for to speak such words as:  ‘How nature fashion’d him for his bold trade, / Gave him his stars of eyes to range abroad, / His wings of glorious spread to mow the air, / And breast of might to use them’ to an inanimate bird, would have been absurd,” she declared.  Always absolutely serious about her profession, Mary procured a half-wild bird and set to work on bending its spirit to her will.

“The training,” she explained, “started with taking the hawk from a cage and feeding it raw meat hoping thus to gain his affections.”  She wore heavy gloves and goggles to protect her eyes.  The hawk was not easily convinced of her motives, and “painful scratches and tears were the only result.”

She was advised to keep the bird from sleeping until its spirit broke, but she refused to take that course.  Persevering with the original plan, Mary continued to feed and handle the hawk until it eventually learned to sit on her shoulder while she recited her lines, then fly to her wrist as she continued; then, at the signal from her hand, the bird would flap away as she concluded with a line about a glorious, dauntless bird.

The dauntless hawk and Mary Anderson were birds of a feather.



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The Divine Sarah

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The pliant figure leaned over the ship’s rail, expressive eyes intent on the blue-green waters of the harbor.  A mass of wavy, light brown hair with tints of gold lifted and curled with every breeze, its arrangement a matter of complete indifference to the angler.  Suddenly the slender form froze, breath held, and then, with a quick yank and a breaking smile, lifted the rod and hauled a wriggling fish aboard the Cabrillo.  Exclaiming in French, dark eyes sparkling with pleasure, Sarah Bernhardt ordered her catch, small as it was, to be prepared for dinner.

It was May 19, 1906, and the farewell production of Camille was scheduled for a few hours later at the ocean auditorium built on the water at Venice, California. Sarah stayed, and fished, at the hotel built like a ship, and performed in the adjacent theater on the wharf at the seaside resort, Venice of America. Having caught a fish, Sarah wended her way to her quarters. Piled high in her dressing room were the results of a recent shopping trip to the Oriental bazaar nearby:  silk and crepe matinee coats of pink and pale blue and mauve, all embroidered in butterflies and bamboo designs.

The tiny window in the dressing room provided a sparkling view of the ocean, and the streaming sunshine picked out details of the furnishings: a repoussé silver powder box, containers of pigment, eyebrow pencils, silver rouge pots, and scattered jewelry twinkling in the light. The tragedienne who attracted huge audiences wherever she went swooped up a small tan and white fox terrier, wriggling with joy at her return, and snuggled it close for a moment as she related the happy details of her fishing venture to a visiting reporter.  Then, she put down the small dog and closed her mind to the fun waiting outside the porthole.

Within moments Sarah became Marguerite Gautier, filled with the sadness and torment of the beautiful French courtesan in Camille. The play, written by Alexandre Dumas, became her signature role. She performed Camille more than 3,000 times all over the world. Sarah’s ability to sink fully into the character of the play made the tragic death scene so convincing that it became a trademark for “the Divine Sarah.”

No one played tragedy with such believable intensity as Sarah Bernhardt, and no one brought as much passion and enthusiasm to the pursuit of pleasure.  From fishing on the southern California coast to bear hunting in the woods outside Seattle, on every western tour the French actress indulged in some kind of adventure.  Sarah Bernhardt threw herself into life with the same characteristic energy she put into her stage appearances.  Yet she often slept in a coffin, preparing for that final sleep.



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Entertaining Women: Actresses, Dancers, and Singers in the Old West

One of America’s First Great Actresses

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It was a cold evening in the early spring of 1859 when the well-known actress Charlotte Cushman debuted in Shakespeare’s Hamlet at the Metropolitan Theatre in San Francisco.  The city’s most wealthy and influential people arrived by carriage.  Throngs of curious bystanders eager to see the aristocrat hovered around the walkway leading into the building.  The fine, brick edifice rivaled the most notable on the East Coast.

Inside, the grand hall was fitted with the most ornate fixtures and could seat comfortably upwards to a thousand people.  From the private boxes to the gallery, every part of the immense building was crowded to excess.  Charlotte Cushman was recognized by theatre goers as the “greatest living tragic actress,” and everyone who was anyone wanted to see her perform.   Several women had won fame with their impersonations of male characters in various dramas, but critics and fans alike regarded Charlotte as the best of them all.

In 1845, a theatrical reviewer in London had written about one of Charlotte’s performances in glowing terms.  “Miss Cushman’s Hamlet must henceforth be ranked among her best performances.  Every scene was warm and animated, and at once conveyed the impression of the character.  There was no forced or elaborate attempt at feeling or expression.  You were addressed by the whole mind; passion spoke in every feature, and the illusion was forcible and perfect.”

The audience that flocked to see the exceptionally talented Charlotte in California was not only treated to a “forcible and perfect” interpretation of Hamlet, but that evening they were also treated to a display of the actress’ temper.

Charlotte and her supporting cast played to an enraptured house for the first half of the production.  Actors maneuvered themselves in and out of the elaborate set consisting of a castle and turrets standing on the right side of the stage and imposing cliffs rising out of the fog on the left side of the stage.  The simulated sounds of wind wailing through the crevices of stone and of the sea crashing against the rocky shore added to the drama.  During a particular scene between Hamlet and Ophelia, Hamlet’s intended wife, a man in the audience sneezed loudly and with a long drawn out cach-oo!

Charlotte stopped and stared at the man.  Then, quietly leading the actress playing Ophelia off the stage, she approached the footlights and said in a loud tone, “Will someone put that person out”?  Everybody sat still.  “If some gentleman doesn’t, I will,” Charlotte announced rolling up her sleeves.  The individual got up and sneaked out the theatre.  Only after the audience had turned its full attention back to Charlotte did she proceed with the play.


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The Frenzy of Frisco

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On August 24, 1863, San Francisco’s elite flocked to Maguire’s Opera House. Ladies in diamonds and furs rode up in handsome carriages; gentlemen in opera capes and silk hats strutted in stylishly. It was an opening night such as the city had never before seen. All one thousand seats in the theatre were filled with curious spectators anxious to see the celebrated melodramatic actress Adah Menken perform.

Adah was starring in the role that made her famous, that Prince Ivan in Mazeppa. It was rumored that she preferred to play the part in the nude. Newspapers in the East reported that audiences found the scantily clad thespian’s act “shocking, scandalous, horrifying and even delightful.”  The story line of the play was taken from a Byron poem in which a Tartar prince is condemned to ride forever in the desert snipped naked and lashed to a fiery, untamed steed. Adah insisted on playing the part as true to life as possible.

The audience waited with bated breath for Adah to walk out onto the stage, and when she did, a hush fell over the crowd. She was beautiful, possessing curly, dark hair and big, dark eyes. Adorned in a flesh-colored body nylon and tight-fitting underwear, she left the audience speechless.  During the play’s climatic scene, supporting characters strapped the star to the back of a black stallion. The horse raced up the narrow runway between cardboard mountain crags. The audience responded with thunderous applause. Adah Menken had captured the heart of another city in the West.

Adah became known as “The Frenzy of Frisco,” but wanted to be the frenzy of the entire West. In 1864 she took to the road again, traveling east to Virginia City, Nevada. She opened her Virginia City show on March 2, 1864. Tickets ranged in price from $1.00 for a single seat to $10.00  for a private box.

The theater was packed on opening night. Many people were forced to stand in the aisles, and hundreds were turned away. Local critics, including a young Samuel Clemens (later to be known as Mark Twain), were present to review her performance. Adah was ushered onto the stage by thunderous applause. She brought down the house, and appreciative miners threw silver ingots at her feet. Sam Clemens was thoroughly impressed. He would return numerous times to see Adah perform.


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rEntertaining Women: Actresses, Dancers, and Singers in the Old West