This Day…

1849 – Cholera spreads to Texas, ravaging tribes, including the Comanche, Cheyenne, Apache, Kiowa, and Kiowa-Apache.



This Day…

1844-The Senate rejects the proposed Texas treaty by a vote of 35-16.  At the heart of the dispute is the issue of slavery:  The anti-slavery forces in the Senate convince the majority that admitting Texas as a slave state will lead to another confrontation between North and South.

This Day…

1887-Ike Clanton was shot and killed while resisting arrest by Deputies Brighton and Miller at Wilson’s Ranch on the Blue River.

This Day…

1863-Gold is discovered in the Idaho Territory by Bill Fairweather and outlaw John Wesley Harding is born in Bonham, Texas.

This Day…

1851-San Francisco is in a state of rebuild after the fifth fire since the discovery of Gold destroyed 70 percent of the city.

This Day…

1853-The head of bandit Joaquin Murieta is pickled in whisky and sent on a national tour with the hand of Manuel “Three Fingered Jack.”