The first two volumes of Theodore Roosevelt’s The Winning of the West are published. Roosevelt’s action-packed drama traces the spread of the United States across the continent, from the day Daniel Boone first pierced the Cumberland Gap in 1765 to the day Davy Crockett died at the Alamo in 1836. He will complete two additional volumes in 1896.
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This Day…
1887 – The Swan Land and Cattle Company of Wyoming, only four years old, declares bankruptcy following the devastating winter of 1886-7. The demise of the huge livestock corporation is symbolic of the Depression that will grip the cattle industry on the Great Plains during the next 10 years. Over the period the number of cattle in Wyoming alone will decline from 9 million head in 1886 to only 3 million by 1895.
This Day…
1885 – During an attempted arrest bootlegger Ned Christie killed U.S. Marshal, Dan Maples near Tahlequah, Oklahoma. Later in the same month Ned Shot, at different times, two other deputies who tried to arrest him for killing Maples. Ned built himself a strong fortress and survived many bloody encounters with lawmen over the next eight years.
This Day…
This Day…
1887 – The Swan Land and Cattle Company of Wyoming, only four years old, declares bankruptcy following the devastating winter of 1886-1887. The demise of the huge livestock corporation is symbolic of the Depression that will grip the cattle industry on the Great Plains during the next 10 years. Over this period the number of cattle in Wyoming alone will decline from 9 million head in 1886 to only 3 million by 1895.