This Day…

1878-The Sam Bass Gang got itself shot up by citizens in an attempted train robbery in Mesquite, Texas.  The wounded train robbers were driven out of town empty handed.

This Day…

1892-Nate Champion and Nick Ray were murdered by a hundred or so minions of the Wyoming Stockmen’s Association at the Kaycee Ranch in Johnson County.

This Day…

1760 – Fort Loudoun on the Little Tennessee River surrenders to Indian attackers after a bitter siege.  Many survivors are cut down by Indians as they flee from Loudoun to Fort Prince Georgia.

This Day…

1882-Bob Ford, that dirty little coward, killed Jesse James with a gunshot to the back of the head.  Right afterwards he scampered down to the telegraph office to claim the reward offered by Governor Crittenden.

This Day…

1867 – In the Alaska Purchase Treaty, concluded by American Secretary of State William H. Seward and Russian Minister to the United States Edouord de Stoeckl, Russia transfers Alaska to the United States for $7,200,000.  However, some unhappy Congressmen with references to ‘Seward’s Folly,’ voice opposition to the treaty and its ratification is delayed.  The House of Representatives must approve the appropriation to conclude the treaty.

This Day…

1882-In a bloody shootout at Chandler’s milk farm near Gleeson, Arizona a posse led by Billy Breakenridge killed Billy Grounds, and Zwing Hunt was shot up and captured.  One of the possemen was killed, two others were wounded.

This Day…

1884-King Fisher and Ben Thompson were drunk and full of fun at the Variety Theatre in San Antonio, Texas when they were both playfully gunned down by friends of a man that Thompson had killed there two years previously.

This Day…

Roosevelt plans possible military action to handle the Alaska boundary dispute with Canada.  The president orders the secretary of war to have ‘additional troops sent as quietly an unostentiously as possible to Southern Alaska.’