1775 – Patrick Henry proclaims “Give me liberty or give me death” in speech in favour of Virginian troops joining US Revolutionary war.
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1865 – A plan by John Wilkes Booth to abduct U.S. President Abraham Lincoln was ruined when Lincoln changed his plans and did not appear at the Soldier’s Home near Washington, DC.
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1958 – Dodgers announces their mascot and clown Emmett Kelly will not perform in 1958.
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1956 – “The Searchers” American western film directed by John Ford and starring John Wayne and Natalie Wood is released.
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1863 – Prince of Wales, Albert Edward (21) weds Princess Alexandra of Denmark (18) at Windsor Castle in St. George’s chapel.
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1867 – Jesse James‘ gang robs bank in Savannah Missouri, 1 killed.
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1896 – Tootsie Roll introduced by Leo Hirshfield.
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1828 – 1st American Indian newspaper in US, “Cherokee Phoenix” was published.