1857 – National Association of Baseball Players founded in New York
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1945 – Franklin D. Roosevelt sworn-in for an unprecedented (and never to be repeated) 4th term as US President.
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1973 – Bonanza, a television program that aired for 14 seasons finally aired for the last time on this day. Bonanza first aired in 1959, and was the first western to be seen in color. Lorne Green, Michael Landon, Pernell Roberts, and Dan Blocker were some of the main stars of this show.
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1915 – US House of Representatives rejects proposal to give women right to vote.
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1953 – US President Harry Truman announces American development of the hydrogen bomb.
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1836 – Author Harriet Beecher (24) weds educator Calvin Ellis Stowe (33) in Cincinnati, Ohio.
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1928 – Mail delivery by dog sled began in Lewiston, ME. |