This Day…

1912 The Yankees announce they will begin wearing pinstripes on their uniforms. The new look will take a few seasons before the vertical lines become a reality, making their first appearance in a 5-1 loss to Washington during the team’s home opener in 1915.

This Day…

2010 A Kansas man, who sat six rows behind the third-base dugout, files a lawsuit against the Royals as a result of being hit in the eye by a hot dog thrown by Sluggerrr, the team’s mascot. The suit is seeking $25,000 in damages for injuries caused by the flying frank, which includes a detached retina and the development of cataracts in the left eye.

This Day…

1880 George Wright signs a contract with the Boston Red Caps, which he states allows him not to travel with the team on western road trips, but just participate in games played in New England and Troy. The arrangement will allow the Hall of Fame shortstop to devote more time to his sporting goods business.

This Day…

1923 Christy Mathewson and Giants attorney Emil Fuchs put together a syndicate that buys the Boston Braves for $300,000, The future Hall of Famer right-hander becomes the principal owner and team president, but due his deteriorating health he was no more than a figurehead, turning over the presidency to Fuchs at the season.

This Day…

1891 The American Association moves its Chicago franchise to Cincinnati to compete with the National League’s after withdrawing from the National Agreement, thus starting a war with the rival league. The circuit will fold in end of the year, resulting in the Baltimore Orioles, St. Louis Browns, Louisville Colonels, and Washington Senators becoming National League teams the next season.

This Day…

1946 Hank Greenberg signs a Tiger contract for $60,000. Three days later he will marry New York department store heiress Coral Gimbel.

This Day…

1916 After Chief Meyers is waived by the Giants to the Robins, Brooklyn owners Ebbets and Haughton disagree on his status. A coin toss, won by Ebbets, decides the catcher will remain with the team.