This Day…

1882 – The Earp posse got itself dusted up at Mescal Springs by some bandits who robbed a store in Charleston.  Wyatt claimed to have killed Curly Bill there.

This Day…

1868 – Jesse and Frank James, Cole and Jim Younger, and four other thieves robbed the bank in Russellville, Kentucky, and shot the banker, Nimrod Long in the head.  The robbers made off with a booty of twelve thousand dollars in a wheat stack.  Nimrod recovered from his scalp wound.

This Day…

1878 – Jesse Evans and Tom Hill were caught plundering a sheep camp at Alamo Springs, New Mexico.  After shooting the herder, the herder killed Hill with one shot and wounded Evans in the wrist.  Evans then spurred off on a stolen horse.

This Day…

1878 – Frank Baker and Billy Morton were in the custody of a Regulator Posse led by Dick Brewer for their participation in the murder of John Tunstall.  In an attempt to escape at Steel Springs, New Mexico, posseman William McCloskey was killed by Morton, but Morton and Baker were both quickly shot by the remaining posse members.

This Day…

1877 – John Larn resigned as Sheriff of Shackleford County, Texas because he and John Selman were found to be stock thieves.

This Day…

1896 – Barney Riggs was a convicted murderer who was sentenced to life in Yuma Territorial Prison but won parole for saving the warden’s life during a breakout attempt in October 1887.

This Day…

1898 – A posse led by Valentine Hoy cornered escaped convicts Harry Tracy, Dave Lant, and Swede Johnson in Browns Park, Colorado.  As he approached them Hoy was shot through the heart by Tracy.