According to Kate: The Legendary Life of Big Nose Kate Elder,
Doc Holliday’s Love is available in bookstores everywhere.
A hot wind ushered Kate and Doc into Dodge in late May of 1878. The sun’s rays were like the flames of a furnace blasting down on the parched path leading into the city. The cow town had grown substantially in the short time Kate had been away. Dodge was never lacking with activity, but now it was a dizzying array of action. Hack drivers spurred their vehicles up and down the street at a rapid pace, unconcerned with the pedestrians who were forced to jump out of their way. Harlots stood outside the doorways of their closet-sized dens, inviting passersby to step inside. Stray dogs wandered about barking and scrounging for food. Ranch hands led bawling livestock into corrals or railroad cars. Disorderly drifters made their way to lively saloons, firing their pistols in the air as they went.
The distant sound of voices, back-slapping laughter, profanity, and a piano’s tinny repetitious melody wafted down Dodge City’s thoroughfare. Kate and Doc were too tired to consider taking part in the liveliness and pressed on toward the Dodge House hotel which was adjacent to a billiard hall and restaurant. The well-known establishment would be their home for as long as they chose to stay in town.
Dodge was just as Kate remembered it, only more so. It was an all-night town. Walkers and loungers kept the streets and saloons busy. Residents learned to sleep through the giggling, growling, and gunplay of the cowboy consumers and their paramours for hire. Kate and Doc were accustomed to the nightly frivolity and clatter. They were seldom disturbed by the commotion. Doc had no trouble falling asleep after the long, hard ride. Kate, on the other hand, decided to take a position on the balcony of the hotel to make sure no one with any ill feelings toward Doc had followed the pair from Texas. She would rest only after it seemed Doc was safe.
According to Kate, she and Doc were registered at the Dodge House as Mr. and Mrs. Holliday. Doc set up a dental practice in the large room the pair occupied at the hotel. There were three doctors living in Dodge City at the time; none were dentists, although in an emergency they had removed a bothersome tooth or two. Doc received many referrals from the physicians in town, and his patient list had grown. To help the practice along, he placed an ad in the June 27, 1878, edition of the Dodge City Times.
“Dentistry. J. H. Holliday, Dentist, very respectfully offers his professional services to the citizens of Dodge City and surrounding country during the summer. Office at Room No. 24, Dodge House. Where satisfaction is not given money will be refunded.”
To learn more about Kate read
According to Kate: The Legendary Life of Big Nose Kate Elder,
Doc Holliday’s Love