Jessie Haymen’s Open Secret

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An Open Secret:

The Story of Deadwood’s Most Notorious Bordellos along with a Kindle



Jessie Hayman turned the flame down in the gas lamp sitting on a giant fireplace mantle in the parlor of her well-known brothel. Apart from the lit, red lantern hanging off the porch, the room was blanketed in darkness. It was approaching four in the morning and all of the home’s boarders were settled in their rooms with their overnight guests. Madam Hayman’s palatial bordello was one of the most popular businesses in San Francisco in 1906. Thirty attractive women of various ages and nationalities worked for Jessie. The income earned from the stable of employees was more than $4,000 a night. Consequently, Jessie was one of the wealthiest madams in the city.

As Jessie went about the routine of closing up shop, a heavy knock on the front door startled her. It was too late for callers but not out of the realm of possibility. As she made her way to the foyer she removed a pistol from a pocket of her dress. She cocked the gun just as she opened the door and raised it even with the face of an overweight man standing opposite her. The stunned man threw his hands up and took a step back. “If you’re a gentleman caller who got a late start, please forgive me,” Jessie stated firmly. “But if you’ve come to rob the place you’ve got to get past me first.”

After apologizing for the intrusion and assuring Jessie that he was merely interested in the company of one of her ladies, she let the frazzled man inside. Before Jessie had an opportunity to ask about his preferences he hurried off up the stairs. He seemed to know exactly where he was going. “Guess he’s been here before,” she said aloud to herself. “Wouldn’t do to shoot a regular,” she added playfully.


An Open Secret and Kindle Giveaway



To learn more about women like Jessie Haymen read

An Open Secret: The Story of Deadwood’s Most Notorious Bordellos