Legendary Trendsetter – James Butler Hickok

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How the West Was Worn: Bustles and Buckskins on the Wild Frontier


Wild Bill Hickok was an American frontier army scout, peace officer, stagecoach driver, and gambler. He was a big man and his 6-foot frame was accentuated by the long wool jackets he frequently wore. The red sash he generally sported around his waist stood out over the dark pants and vest of his everyday wardrobe.

The sash held two pistols, always pointed butt-forward beneath his coat. His giant brimmed hat was cocked on his head and his long wavy hair, parted in the middle, cascaded down his back. Many dime novel readers tried in vain to duplicate his style, but only one could do the look justice.



How the West Was Worn 2

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To learn more about Old West fashion trendsetters like Wild Bill read

How the West Was Worn: Bustles and Buckskins on the Wild Frontier