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Mochi’s War: The Tragedy of Sand Creek

“I said a prayer for the spirits that are still at Sand Creek because of the genocide that was forced upon them. The treaty they made with the Cheyenne and other tribes in 1851 included Denver, Wyoming and other areas. But, when gold was discovered they needed to move the Indians out of the way, so in 1861 they moved the Cheyenne and Arapahos to the Sand Creek area. When the massacre occurred on November 29, 1864, the Cheyenne were on the reservation the U.S. government had given them, and the government condoned all this action resulting in the killing of these innocent people.” Laird Cometsevah

This week marks the 160th anniversary of the Sand Creek massacre.
Read about this event in the book Mochi’s War: The Tragedy of Sand Creek
Mochi's War: Tragedy of Sand Creek
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Ten percent of all sales of the book go to the Sand Creek National Monument site