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Tales Behind the Tombstones and More Tales Behind the Tombstones:
More Deaths and Burials of the Old West’s Most Nefarious Outlaws,
Notorious Women, and Celebrated Lawmen

Gone With the Wind, the first and only novel written by Margaret Mitchell was a runaway success from the moment it was published in 1936. The book won the Pulitzer Prize and is still considered the most purchased book, other than the Bible, selling over two hundred thousand copies a year. Mitchell learned of the stories she used in her epic while sitting on the laps of Confederate veterans when she was a young girl growing up in Georgia. In fact, she wasn’t told the South lost the war until she was ten. She wrote her book while laid up with a broken ankle and told no one other than her husband of her literary aspirations. At the time she was employed by the Atlanta Journal and had an assignment to take publisher Howard Latham from Macmillan Publishing Company around town supposedly in search of the new southern writers. Margaret brought the partially completed and heaping Gone With the Wind manuscript to Latham’s hotel later that night after a friend of hers laughed at the possibility that she possessed any talent. She sent a telegram the next day, asking Latham to send the manuscript back. He refused, convinced her of its worth, and sent Margaret Mitchell an advance to finish the book. Supposedly, Margaret wrote another book, which was found in notebooks among her letters, but she never pursued publication of anything else. In 1949 she was heading to see a movie and stepped into the street without looking and was hit by a taxi. She died five days later of internal injuries at age forty-eight. The twenty-five-year-old taxi driver Hugh D. Gravitt was convicted of involuntary manslaughter and sentenced to one year to eighteen months in jail.

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